UK civil servants by grade, postcode and organisation (2019)
This page provides a map and tables of UK civil service headcount by postcode and organisation, as at 31 March 2019.
For full details about the locations that civil servants work in please see Civil Servants by local authority. The map below expands on this analysis by looking at the distribution of civil servants by postcode and organisation.
Each circle on the map represents a group of civil servants working for a government department or executive agency in a particular postcode. The size of the circle is proportionate to the headcount of civil servants working in that organisation and postcode, figures are rounded to the nearest 10.
Control panel
You can select grade, local authorities and/or organisations of interest. Note that due to technical limitations the map will not automatically zoom in to your selection.
The UK Civil Service serves the UK Government, the Scottish Government and the Welsh Government. Use the checkboxes above to toggle between the departments and agencies that work for these different administrations.
Who are UK civil servants?
UK civil servants work for organisations in the UK Civil Service, supporting the UK Government, the Scottish Government and the Welsh Government (e.g. government departments, executive agencies or Crown Non-Departmental Public Bodies).
What about civil servants in Northern Ireland?
There are 3,670 UK civil servants who work in Northern Ireland. However, most civil servants in Northern Ireland work for the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS), a separate entity from the UK Civil Service. Statistics about the NICS are available from the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA).
Data sources
The data for the map and table comes from the Civil Service Statistics ad-hoc tables on Civil Service by organisation, postcode, grade and leaving cause, the geographic information on postcodes and the look up to local authorities comes from the ONS’s OpenGeography Portal.
Software packages
This document is produced in RMarkdown using leaflet
and crosstalk
; it has been rendered into HTML using govdown