Civil Service Statistics data browser (2021)

Data preview: All civil servants / Sexual_orientation / Function_of_post

Explore further: Parent_department, Organisation, Responsibility_level_grouped, Responsibility_level_ungrouped, Region_london, Region_ITL1, Region_ITL2, Region_ITL3, Profession_of_post, Sex, Ethnicity, Disability, Age

Status Year Sexual_orientation Function_of_post Headcount FTE Mean_salary Median_salary
In post 2021 Heterosexual / straight Analysis 4650 4470 44000 39460
In post 2021 Heterosexual / straight Commercial 4200 4070 42290 37640
In post 2021 Heterosexual / straight Communications 4765 4585 35440 31810
In post 2021 Heterosexual / straight Counter Fraud 5855 5520 34410 31810
In post 2021 Heterosexual / straight Debt 2155 1930 24030 21440
In post 2021 Heterosexual / straight Digital, Data & Technology 7920 7700 42080 38630
In post 2021 Heterosexual / straight Finance 6430 6115 40190 36300
In post 2021 Heterosexual / straight Grants Management 795 710 26630 25190
In post 2021 Heterosexual / straight Human Resources 7105 6730 38170 33300
In post 2021 Heterosexual / straight Internal Audit 585 560 46320 43830
In post 2021 Heterosexual / straight Legal 8840 8235 45440 46530
In post 2021 Heterosexual / straight No function 116910 109345 33420 29810
In post 2021 Heterosexual / straight Project Delivery 20255 19580 41180 38620
In post 2021 Heterosexual / straight Property 5900 5630 35590 33300
In post 2021 Heterosexual / straight Security 6020 5885 31060 26750
In post 2021 Heterosexual / straight Unknown 114590 105690 30840 27570
In post 2021 LGBO Analysis 425 420 41240 36730
In post 2021 LGBO Commercial 185 185 39040 34500
In post 2021 LGBO Communications 375 365 36040 31810
In post 2021 LGBO Counter Fraud 305 295 34270 31810
Note: Data has been truncated to 20 rows, please download the data to view the remaining rows

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About: The Civil Service Statistics data browser is a pilot project by Cabinet Office to provide access to more detailed data on the Civil Service workforce from the Annual Civil Service Employment Survey. We welcome feedback or comments on this project, which can be addressed to

Notes: Summary figures are suppressed when information relates to less than 5 civil servants for FTE or Headcount, and less than 10 civil servants for median and mean salary (shown as [c]). Zero responses and salaries for less than 30 civil servants have been suppressed for GPDR special category data. FTE figures are not shown for entrants or leavers due to data quality concerns for these groups. Figures are rounded to the nearest 5, or £10 as appropriate.

Data source: All figures are aggregated from the Cabinet Office Annual Civil Service Employment Survey collection.

Version: Generated on 2023-02-14, with GIT 71a76ea.

Data column Description
Status Employment status of the civil servants.
In post - includes staff that were in post on the reference date (31 March).
New entrant CS - includes new entrants to the Civil Service over the year (1 April to 31 March).
Leaver CS - includes leavers from the Civil Service over the year (1 April to 31 March). This includes employees who have an Unknown leaving cause.
Leaver Dept. - includes leavers from the department over the year (1 April to 31 March), who did not leave the Civil Service.
Five organisations do not report when their employees first entered the Civil Service and so entrants data for these organisations is not available . These are as follows: Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (excl. agencies), Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office Services, Defence Electronics and Components Agency, Scottish Forestry and Forest and Land Scotland. A further three organisations also could not provide entrants data in 2021. These are as follows: Department for International Development, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (excl. agencies) and Royal Fleet Auxiliary.
Year Year of data collection (as at 31 March).
Function_of_post Functions relate to the post occupied by the person and are not dependent on qualifications the individual may have.
The Department for Work and Pensions provided aggregated functions data for 2021, which are available in the Civil Service Statistics publication. However, figures in this browser are derived from individual level data and so are not available for this department in 2021.
Home Office, Welsh Government and Royal Fleet Auxiliary did not report any functions information for their employees.
Of the 20 bodies under the Scottish Government, 16 did not report any functions information for their employees.
Sexual_orientation Self reported sexual orientation.
“Undeclared” accounts for employees who have actively declared that they do not want to disclose their sexual orientation and “Unknown” accounts for employees who have not made an active declaration about their sexual orientation.
Headcount Total number of civil servants (rounded to nearest 5).
FTE Total full-time equivalent (FTE) employment numbers (rounded to nearest 5).
FTE figures are not shown for entrants or leavers due to data quality concerns for these groups.
Mean_salary Average salary (mean, rounded to nearest £10). For part-time employees, salaries represent the full-time equivalent earnings, while for full-time employees they are the actual annual gross salaries.
These figures should be interpreted with caution when the total number of employees in a group is small, as they will tend to show more variability than larger groups (i.e. may be much higher or lower than can be explained by the data shown).
Median_salary Median salary (rounded to nearest £10). For part-time employees, salaries represent the full-time equivalent earnings, while for full-time employees they are the actual annual gross salaries.
These figures should be interpreted with caution when the total number of employees in a group is small, as they will tend to show more variability than larger groups (i.e. may be much higher or lower than can be explained by the data shown).